
what do i need to take care of a bearded dragon

Bearded dragon brumation is something that all owners need to be familiar with. Information technology'south a natural process that tin present itself in different ways, and information technology'due south your task to know what to await (and how to handle it).

Just most new owners don't.

They buy all the necessary supplies, exercise the basic intendance research, and then go their beardie. Simply brumation isn't something they practice much research on.

And we totally empathize. When getting a new pet there'due south a lot going on. In that location's as well no one telling them why information technology'due south important.

A lot of times they'll actually discover out about brumation when it happens (which can be scary). The nervous researching and frantic forum posts are a tale as onetime equally time.

And that'due south why nosotros put together this comprehensive guide on disguised dragon brumation. Past the time y'all're done reading this, you'll be a complete expert!

What Is Disguised Dragon Brumation?

Bearded dragon brumation is a process that's quite like to the deed of hibernation that y'all see in other animals like bears. In the wild, this occurs during the winter.

You run into, the wintertime is not a time of the year that is friendly to bearded dragons. In that location is significantly less available food, and the change in sunlight means they can't process their nutrient finer and maintain bone wellness.

Expert Tip: This is why it's then important to take a reliable UVB light in their enclosure.

As a result, the smarter option is to but sit out the winter and expect for things to go dainty and warm again. Brumation is how they do this.

A brumating beardie will drastically slow down their body functions and metabolism in order to conserve energy and assistance them terminal through the cold months. They won't swallow much, volition barely move around, won't bask, and will stick to night and absurd areas.

A bearded dragon beginning brumation

They'll typically nestle themselves into the clay when they do through this process in society to hydrate themselves from moisture that's found in the soil. This allows them to stay tucked away in the same hiding spot without having to venture out for water.

Contrary to popular belief, a bearded dragon that'southward brumating won't sleep all day. They will wake up and fifty-fifty move around from fourth dimension to fourth dimension. This just happens far less frequently than normal (and they'll look sluggish when they practice).

Why Do They Do Information technology In Captivity?

At present that you know why bearded dragon brumation happens in the wild, it's time to effigy out why they do it in captivity. After all, information technology's not really necessary, correct?

But it all comes down to instinct and habit. Bearded dragons are used to going through brumation every year, so there'south always a chance that they'll decide it's time (regardless of the weather condition in their enclosure).

This doesn't happen all the time. In fact, many pet beardies don't brumate at all! However, the fact that information technology'due south such a strongly ingrained process means the possibility is ever at that place.

Is It Bad For Them?

A common question we become is if brumation is bad for bearded dragons in captivity. The quick reply is no.

While it will require you to adjust your care guidelines a bit, information technology's not something to be worried about. They are not like other pets where hibernation can actually lead to serious health concerns.

But there is an exception to this rule.

If your beardie is a infant (or less than a year quondam) brumation is ordinarily not ideal. It can potentially stunt their growth, potential size, impact their lifespan, and crusade potential wellness complications later on.

Brumation in babies is extremely uncommon and so information technology'due south likely not something you'll have to worry about. Notwithstanding, if your babe does attempt to get into brumation we recommend contacting your vet to see if you should attempt to get them out of it.

They'll likely bank check their fat pads and get a baseline agreement of how much nutrition they have. If everything looks good then they might tell you to allow the procedure play out!

Simply if they don't like what they see, they might have you (and help you) try to go them out of it.

They won't have you become overboard. Instead, they'll try some of the more unintrusive tricks initially to meet if they tin stop the procedure (you can find them in a later on department).

A small bearded dragon leaving the hide

If that doesn't work then you might be advised to permit them complete the procedure and hope for the best. There's no guarantee that a young beardie that goes through brumation volition exist unhealthy later all!

Signs Of Brumation

And then, what are the signs of brumation in bearded dragons? While we hinted at them earlier, this section will explore them in more detail.

Understanding what to await for is a very important office of the process. If you don't know what's going on, it'south impossible to follow the correct class of action.

Practiced Tip: Understanding the signs is also a good fashion to prevent yourself from panicking. It's common for inexperienced owners to recall that in that location's something wrong with their brumating beardie when in reality, they're completely fine.

From a high level, bearded dragon brumation will look a lot like major laziness or a lack of energy. Because they're starting to power down their systems and slow down their metabolism, at that place'due south non a need for as much activity or food as before.

Here are the common signs to look for:

  • Less move
  • Very petty poop
  • Lack of interest in food
  • Spending nigh of their fourth dimension on the absurd side of the enclosure
  • Frequent sleeping
  • Increased time spent burrowed in the substrate

Every bit you tin tell, a lot of these signs overlap with a bearded dragon that has some kind of health complexity. This is why many owners who aren't familiar with the process of brumation tend to get worried when they see this change in behavior.

Fortunately, there are some things you can practice to make sure what yous're dealing with is brumation and not something serious.

Telling The Divergence Between Brumation And Sickness

There are some major signs you'll want to look for in club to make up one's mind if your disguised dragon is brumating or ill. Ill bearded dragons will often have obvious physical symptoms that are out of the ordinary.

For the most part, signs of brumation volition only exist behavioral. That means if you see physical changes as well, there'southward a take a chance something is wrong.

Some examples of this are:

  • A black or dark-colored beard
  • A general change of color
  • Tail rot
  • Noticeable weight loss

If in that location's no move that's likewise a sign that your bearded dragon is sick (or worse). Brumation means they're taking it easy, not playing dead.

If you're actually concerned you lot can try gently placing your disguised dragon on its back. Even if your bearded dragon is brumating, they'll brand an attempt (a sleepy one) to correct themselves.

What Historic period Practice Bearded Dragons Brumate?

Typically, the expected age for bearded dragon brumation is any time past 10 months erstwhile. As we mentioned above, baby bearded dragons rarely (and shouldn't) try to brumate because they're even so growing.

They need this time to go on eating and fueling their bodies through the developmental process. It doesn't make sense for them to power down their metabolism when there's plenty of growing left to do!

One time they're older, brumation is pretty much on the table whenever they see fit. Beardies in captivity are less likely to follow the seasonal patterns they exercise in the wild, and then the whole thing becomes a chip more random.

When Does Information technology Normally Happen?

In the wild, bearded dragons brumate in the winter. This is considering there's less available food and changes to the sunlight prevent them from processing information technology equally effectively (it'southward also not cracking for their general health to go insufficient lighting).

Because of this, they go through the process of brumation to substantially wait out the winter. Every bit y'all've probably noticed, this is very similar to the hibernation that we see other animals go through.

But in captivity, brumation can happen at any time.

Instead of relying on seasonal cues, your bearded dragon might randomly decide to get into brumation. At that place's a lot of instinct and entrenched beliefs at work here, then information technology doesn't even affair that the conditions in the enclosure are warm and well-maintained!

Bearded dragons in captivity might brainstorm brumating in June, the winter, or not at all! There are many things happening backside the scenes that crusade this variation (all of which are hard for united states to figure out equally spectators).

How Long Do They Brumate?

Unfortunately, there isn't really an average length of time that brumation lasts with these reptiles. In that location are many different types of factors that influence this and pb to a mix of different brumating lengths.

You might find that your beardie completes the brumating process in just a few weeks. Yet, it could too be more than a couple of months every bit well.

Expert Tip: At that place'due south really cipher you can do to bear on the length of fourth dimension your beardie spends in this state (other than trying to get them out of it). Instead, your all-time bet is to just support them and brand sure they have everything they need to stay salubrious throughout the process.

Nosotros understand that longer periods of brumation might be disheartening as an owner since you won't be able to handle them like you used to. However, this is all part of owning these reptiles! At the end of the day, you need to let them do their thing.

Eating Habits During Brumation

As we've mentioned before, a lack of appetite is an expected sign of bearded dragon brumation. Their metabolism has slowed downwards significantly and they but don't need to consume as much nutrient as they used to.

A bearded dragon getting ready to eat after brumation

With that being said, they usually won't finish eating entirely. Instead, they might have a fraction of what they used to (and be very unwilling to venture out of their hiding spot for food).

Just because your beardie decides to nibble on something it doesn't hateful they have finished brumating. This is something that many new owners aren't aware of, and information technology can atomic number 82 them to make mistakes with their care.

Weight Loss

Even though it might seem surprising, it'southward actually not normal for bearded dragons to lose a meaning corporeality of weight when brumating. Even though they're non eating almost equally much as they used to, they're too barely using any energy as well!

The consequence of this is the beardie staying pretty much the same when it comes to how much they weigh. If they lose a little bit of weight during the process that's not a big deal.

However, if they lose a significant amount of weight then something else might be wrong. There's a take a chance they might not even be brumating at all, then check for signs of sickness and take them to the vet.

What Y'all Should (And Shouldn't) Do For Them During The Process

This is where yous come in. While you won't need to do well-nigh as much with them as normal, there are some tasks you'll need to do in club to facilitate the process.

Maintaining an platonic habitat and providing your bearded dragon with whatever they need is still going to be of import. You'll just be approaching this a lilliputian bit differently.


You tin can provide a little bit less calorie-free than normal if you lot want since your bearded dragon will probable be spending near of their time in their hide. While this isn't necessary, it's something that many owners like to do to effort and replicate the natural conditions that cause bearded dragons to brumate in the start place.

This ways you can reduce the amount of UVB and total light you give them. We recommend shortening the normal light time by a couple of hours to start, and so a few more over the following weeks.


Even though they've slowed downward their metabolism, your bearded dragon nevertheless needs water (there's no fashion around it). That means information technology's necessary for yous to provide your bearded dragon with water during the procedure even if they aren't showing involvement in it.

Expert Tip: One of the reasons why you need to exist mindful of their hydration is that beardies in captivity won't be able to get water from the soil like they do in the wild.

It's smart to go along their water bowl full just in instance they make their way out to it. Some owners try dripping some water into their mouths and seeing if their pet seems interested, merely that's a bit hit or miss.

One of the all-time things you lot can exercise is actually requite them a bathroom. This volition requite them an opportunity to hands drink water without using much energy (it can also encourage a bowel movement). Since they're withal going to be very sleepy, brand sure you go on their head from being submerged.


Expert Tip: It'due south worth pointing out that this rarely happens. We're merely including this section in example you happen to see the rare situation where your beardie actually wants to eat something during brumation.

There is a small gamble that your bearded dragon might want to eat during this process. If this happens you tin can provide them with food (don't deny them).

Even so, it'southward important to not permit them go correct back to sleep after they eat. They won't exist able to assimilate their food properly if they immediately get back to their nighttime and cool hiding spot.

Instead, make sure they get some UVB exposure for a bit. This volition allow them to digest and process what they ate and so it doesn't sit in their stomachs.

If y'all have trouble accomplishing this, giving them baths is a good style to encourage a bowel movement.

Enclosure Cleaning

Even though your beardie won't be using their enclosure as much as they used to, it's still skillful to keep it clean while they get through brumation.

A clean environment helps go on illness and affliction at bay and volition make the brumation process much more comfortable for them. You'll desire to pay special attention to their hibernate since this is where they'll be spending a lot of their fourth dimension. Spot make clean equally much as you can without disturbing them.

Expert Tip: Bath time is a good opportunity to clean up their enclosure a bit without getting in their way.


As we've mentioned above, giving a bathroom to your bearded dragon while they're brumating is a nifty affair to do for a number of reasons. For such a elementary task, it actually provides a lot of benefits!

The outset is hydration. A bath is a corking opportunity for a sleepy beardie to lap upwardly a bit of h2o before going back to their hide. Y'all'll want to assist them with this and support their head.

The second benefit is that it stimulates their bowels. If your bearded dragon has eaten some food in that location's a possibility information technology's having problem initiating the necessary bowel movement to finish the chore. A nice comfy bathroom can aid with that.

And the last reason a bath is so helpful is pretty obvious. Information technology keeps them clean! No thing how active they are, it's still important for you lot to keep them clean to reduce the possibility of them getting sick (it will too keep them more comfortable).

What To Do When They Wake Up

A lot of new owners ask about this part of the process. They presume that because of the serious shift in behavior at that place'south a laundry listing of things they'll need to do when their bearded dragon comes out of brumation.

But actually, it's pretty simple!

All you really need to practice is resume the schedule and setup you had earlier they started brumating. Get the lights back on their normal schedule (some owners like to do this gradually but it isn't necessary) and get-go providing nutrient similar yous were doing before.

Expert Tip: You can too give them another bath to give them an opportunity to catch up a bit on hydration. Don't try to force them to potable or anything like that, just give them the option.

Information technology might have a little bit for your bearded dragon to get dorsum into the swing of things. This is totally fine. Their system is going through quite a alter, and information technology can't happen all at once!

No matter what, brand certain you monitor their beliefs during this procedure. You want to be certain that your beardie is acclimating properly. While rare, in that location can be instances where they struggle kickstarting their arrangement again.

Now You're Ready!

Now that you have a amend understanding of disguised dragon brumation, nosotros promise y'all tin see that there's really nothing to exist scared of!

Brumation is a completely normal procedure that many bearded dragons will become through at one point or another. It just comes with the territory if you happen to ain one.

The more you understand virtually it the better off you'll be when it comes to helping them through the process. You'll also salvage yourself the nervous moments that unprepared owners feel when they offset notice it happening.

If you have any remaining questions that this guide didn't answer we're more than happy to answer them. We always enjoy connecting with our readers and helping them out yet we can!


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