Hi, my name is Kate ("Hi, Kate!") and I'm addicted to cream cheese frosting. Addicted. Like…we should not be left alone together because I will inevitably do something that will make me feel shameful and sad that the workout I did that morning will count for nothing and then some.

perfect cream cheese frosting from Our Best Bites

I have the power to make this amazing frosting. I'm going to give you those powers. But you have to remember that with great power comes great responsibility, and you can say that yourself again and again as you lick the beaters. And the spatula. And I squeeze some from the icing bag onto your finger. Because that's what happens with this frosting.

For the longest, longest time, I could not find a recipe for cream cheese frosting that I liked. I knew what I wanted–the stuff swirled on top of the boutique cupcakes, not too sweet, something kind of like creamy, spreadable cheesecake.

perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites

I wanted a really distinct cream cheese flavor, but every recipe I found called for so much butter and sugar that the cream cheese flavor was completely overwhelmed.

And then I found this recipe. And my life was changed. For better or worse I can't say, but, at least in my book, this is the perfect cream cheese frosting.

perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites on graham crackers

If you're not super crazy about cream cheese or if you like sweeter frostings, this might not be your thing, but if you love that thick, creamy, cream-cheesy frosting on carrot cakes and snack cakes (like pumpkin or apple or banana) and cinnamon rolls and your finger, this one's for you.

The ingredients aren't any different than other cream cheese frosting recipes–cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla (or almond) extract. The difference is the proportions–this calls for way more cream cheese and cuts down on the butter and powdered sugar.

ingredients for the perfect cream cheese frosting
You might ask, Kate, can I use light cream cheese? Absolutely. Your frosting will be a tad bit softer, but it still won't help when you eat it all.

Place all the ingredients in a medium mixing bowl.

ingredients for perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites

Beat together the ingredients until light and fluffy.

ingredients for perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites

Keep the ingredients a little on the cool side–like not quite softened to room temperature. That will prevent the frosting from getting too soft.

ingredients for perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites
Add the powdered sugar…
And then you're done.

ingredients for perfect cream cheese frosting from our best bites

Which is part of the danger–I'm only 5 minutes away from reckless abandon. Slather it onto cupcakes, these sugar cookies, this carrot cake, sandwich it between graham crackers, or your favorite cinnamon rolls, or skip the streusel and swirl it onto these muffins…

Whatever you use it on, enjoy!

perfect cream cheese frosting from


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This cream cheese frosting is perfect if you want a frosting that tastes like cream cheese and isn't too sweet. Fluffy, creamy, and perfectly tangy, this frosting is amazing on cakes, muffins, and anything pumpkin!

2 8-ounce packages cream cheese (light works fine, although it will yield a slightly softer frosting) at almost room temperature
1/2 cup salted butter at almost room temperature
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract (or both)

Whip together the cream cheese, butter, and extract until light and fluffy. Add in the powdered sugar and whip until smooth and fully incorporated.  Refrigerate any leftovers (or anything you've frosted that doesn't get eaten immediately).